About Us
Founded in 1995

Founded in 1995, the Roseland Beekeeping Group is a member group of Cornwall Beekeepers Association, which is in turn part of the British Beekeepers Association.
Our aim is to promote the craft of beekeeping by encouraging, educating and supporting both new and existing beekeepers, and those interested in learning more about honeybees.
We are an inclusive, lively and diverse group of individuals all linked together by beekeeping. As a result we are comprised of new, novice and more experienced members that help each other by working together.
We are very proud of the help we are able to offer to anyone thinking of taking up beekeeping. One of our longstanding members runs the theory courses organised by Truro College and we have a Group apiary based at the Lost Gardens of Heligan where we offer training in practical skills for new beekeepers. Additionally, we have a mentoring system in place to offer advice and hands-on assistance to anyone who requires it in their first few years of seeking, and beyond!
We hold a series of very interesting and topical talks over the Winter months and we arrange a series of bee safaris in the Spring/Summer. But it’s not all work as we have very popular Christmas and Summer social events.
In order to spread the load of maintaining such an active and successful Group, our philosophy is always to encourage members to get involved and join in, whether experienced or new to the Group.
Have a look at the map below to see the current geographical spread of our membership; members are of course welcome from anywhere outside of this area.
Please browse the site and if you have any questions or suggestions don’t hesitate to contact us; we will be very happy to help you further.
You can contact the Group Secretary, Marcus Pilling here.
Warm regards,
Geoff Hodgson
Current Officers
- Apiary Managers - Tom Hardman and Darren Male
- Asian Hornet -Marcus Pilling
- CBKA Rep - Clair Harwood
- Events&Programme - Martin Wayman
- Group Secretary - Marcus Pilling
- Mentoring - Stuart Gibbons
- Safari - Marcus Pilling
- Treasurer & Chair - Geoff Hodgson
- Group Purcasing - TBA
- Vice Chair - Bajka Pratt